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A Word From The Managing Director: Kirk Cheesman

2 Minute Read
Written by Kirk Cheesman
14 August 2019

A core part of our role at NCI is understanding the needs of our clients, negotiating cover which is right for them, negotiating claim payments and developing tools that helps fill any gaps.

In our recent NCI feedback survey, clients stated one of their largest concerns was not getting full cover on their existing and new customers. However, over the past two years we have been developing the product, NCI Top-Up.

Top-Up cover is now available through a unique arrangement with Lloyds syndicate, Nexus Trade Credit. Essentially, we can arrange top-up cover for qualifying limits to achieve the credit limit you require.

If this could close the gaps on cover needs for your business, please contact us or read some more information here.

In July, NCI held our annual broker conference in Sydney, to discuss and share ideas on how we can enhance services and products with our colleagues from around Australia, New Zealand and Singapore. These initiatives will provide faster service and cover for our clients under the NCI ‘one roof’.

Kind regards

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